Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My information

1-I get up at 4:00 every day.2-I pray at 4:25.3-I drink coffee at 4:40.4-I read books one hour.5-I go to the College at 6:00.6-I start class at 7:30.7-I finished class at 9:00.8-I have breakfast at 9:05.9-I come to class at 9:30.10-I drive home at 11:10.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


What are they doing?
They are running.
Are they playing football?
No,they aren't.
Last week, I went to desert. The weather is beautiful. I went with my father by car. I saw my camels and slept in my tent. I ate rice and meat and drank milk. My father is likes camels and stayed in desert. The desert is very good.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How to use word

1-Log on to computer.

2-Clike start

3-Clike all programs.

4-Clike Microsoft office

5-Clike Microsoft word

6-Writhe in my self in Microsoft word

7-Copy all the information

8-Peast in my blogger

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Rosetta Stone Level

Help English

Hamad Rashid 1/11/2007
( Help English)

1) Can you give me a paper, please?
2) Can you spell that, please?
3) Can you help me, please.
4) Can you repeat that, please?
5) Thanks.
6) Can I have a pen, please?
7) Can I go to the bathroom, please?
8) Can you listen to me, please?
9) Can you speak English, please?
10) Can you turn off your phone, please?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Hamad Rashid AL Marri 25/10/07

1)What do you do?

2)How old is she?

3)Do you have children?

4)What do you like?

5)What do you have?

6)Where do you live?

7)Are you married?

8)What does your father do?

9)Do you have any sisters?

10)Where do you go every weekend?
Hamad Rashid AL Marri 25/10/07

1)What do you do?

2)How old is she?

3)Do you have children?

4)What do you like?

5)What do you have?

6)Where do you live?

7)Are you married?

8)What does your father do?

9)Do you have any sisters?

10)Where do you go every weekend?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What I did last week?

Last week, I went to the zoo. I visited my friend. I played foot ball. I watched TV. I talked with my family.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Hi My name is Hamad. I’m famous man. I’m single. I have two cars, Honda, Toyota.
My Toyota is new and my Honda is old. I have four mobiles, two TVs, three Falcons
Two dogs, one cat, ahouse with swimming pool and a yeard. I have ten brothers and
Ten sisters. I have a big family. I have a farm in the desert. I have agrandmother and
A grandfather. I have men and women friends. I have a good heart. I don’t have any
Children. I don’t have four wifes yet.
Hi My name is Hamad. I’m famous man. I’m single. I have two cars, Honda, Toyota.
My Toyota is new and my Honda is old. I have four mobiles, two TVs, three Falcons
Two dogs, one cat, ahouse with swimming pool and ayeard. I have ten brothers and
Ten sisters. I have a big family. I have a farm in the desert. I have a grand mother and
A grand father. Ihave friends men and women. I have agood heart. Idon’t have any
Children. Idon’t have four wifes yet.
What I have
I have ten brothers and ten sisters.I have a big family.I have a farm in the desert.I have a grandmother and a grandfather.I have men and women friends.I have a good heart.I don't have any children.I don't have four wives yet.

What I have 2

What I have
I have ten brothers and ten sisters.I have a big family.I have a farm in the desert.I have a grandmother and a grandfather.I have men and women friends.I have a good heart.I don't have any children.I don't have four wives yet.

What ihave

I have ten brothers and ten sisters.
I have abig family.
I have afarm in the desert.
I have agrand mather and agrand father.
I have friends men and women.
I have agood heart.
I don't have any children.
I don 't have four wifes yet.

Sunday, September 23, 2007






Tuesday, September 18, 2007